Generic class for handling a tiled grid of HTML elements. GridLayer will handle creating and animating these DOM elements for you.
To create a custom layer, implement the createTile() function, which will be passed a Point object with the x, y, and z (zoom level) coordinates to draw your tile.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue-use-leaflet';
const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const map = useLeafletMap(el);
// create custom grid layer
const gridLayer = useLeafletGridLayer(coords => {
// create a <canvas> element for drawing
const tile = document.createElement('canvas');
// setup tile width and height according to the options
const size = this.getTileSize();
tile.width = size.x;
tile.height = size.y;
// get a canvas context and draw something on it using coords.x, coords.y and coords.z
const ctx = tile.getContext('2d');
// return the tile so it can be rendered on screen
return tile;
// display custom grid layer
useLeafletDisplayLayer(map, gridLayer);
<div ref="el" style="height: 250px"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue-use-leaflet';
const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const map = useLeafletMap(el);
// create custom grid layer
const gridLayer = useLeafletGridLayer(coords => {
// create a <canvas> element for drawing
const tile = document.createElement('canvas');
// setup tile width and height according to the options
const size = this.getTileSize();
tile.width = size.x;
tile.height = size.y;
// get a canvas context and draw something on it using coords.x, coords.y and coords.z
const ctx = tile.getContext('2d');
// return the tile so it can be rendered on screen
return tile;
// display custom grid layer
useLeafletDisplayLayer(map, gridLayer);
<div ref="el" style="height: 250px"></div>
Tile creation can also be asynchronous, this is useful when using a third-party drawing library. Once the tile is finished drawing it can be passed to the done() callback.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue-use-leaflet';
const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const map = useLeafletMap(el);
// create custom grid layer
const gridLayer = useLeafletGridLayer((coords, done) => {
let error;
// create a <canvas> element for drawing
const tile = document.createElement('canvas');
// setup tile width and height according to the options
const size = this.getTileSize();
tile.width = size.x;
tile.height = size.y;
// draw something asynchronously and pass the tile to the done() callback
setTimeout(function () {
done(error, tile);
}, 1000);
return tile;
// display custom grid layer
useLeafletDisplayLayer(map, gridLayer);
<div ref="el" style="height: 250px"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'vue-use-leaflet';
const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const map = useLeafletMap(el);
// create custom grid layer
const gridLayer = useLeafletGridLayer((coords, done) => {
let error;
// create a <canvas> element for drawing
const tile = document.createElement('canvas');
// setup tile width and height according to the options
const size = this.getTileSize();
tile.width = size.x;
tile.height = size.y;
// draw something asynchronously and pass the tile to the done() callback
setTimeout(function () {
done(error, tile);
}, 1000);
return tile;
// display custom grid layer
useLeafletDisplayLayer(map, gridLayer);
<div ref="el" style="height: 250px"></div>
Type Declarations
export interface UseLeafletGridLayerOptions<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer>
extends GridLayerOptions {
updateSources?: UpdateWatchSource<T>[];
factory?: (...args: any[]) => T;
dispose?: boolean;
export type UseLeafletGridLayerReturn<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer> =
Ref<T | null>;
export declare function useLeafletGridLayer<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer>(
createTile: (coords: Coords, done?: DoneCallback) => HTMLElement,
options?: UseLeafletGridLayerOptions<T>
): UseLeafletGridLayerReturn<T>;
export interface UseLeafletGridLayerOptions<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer>
extends GridLayerOptions {
updateSources?: UpdateWatchSource<T>[];
factory?: (...args: any[]) => T;
dispose?: boolean;
export type UseLeafletGridLayerReturn<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer> =
Ref<T | null>;
export declare function useLeafletGridLayer<T extends GridLayer = GridLayer>(
createTile: (coords: Coords, done?: DoneCallback) => HTMLElement,
options?: UseLeafletGridLayerOptions<T>
): UseLeafletGridLayerReturn<T>;